Drought Management for Range Livestock Producers

- Section 1: Developing Your Drought Management Plan
Year in and year out grazing management is the most important factor for successful and sustained range livestock production in any economic or environmental climate, and ultimately will define a producer production and marketing strategy for any given year, including drought years.
- Section 2: Considerations For Water During Drought
Cattle water requirements may double during hot weather. If cattle do not meet their water needs, they may refuse to eat, experience lowered production, and become sick.
- Section 3: Feeding Options and Considerations
Producers generally have two options for meeting the nutrient requirements of cattle on drought affected pasture and ranges. The first is to provide supplemental feed to ensure the cowherd has adequate energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals
- Drought Management Analysis Tools
Spreadsheets and PowerPoints presentations with directions, that will help you with managing your cow-calf enterprise